Rishikesh River Rafting – A Detailed Guide

Rishikesh Rafting

‘Rishikesh River Rafting’, as amazing as that sounds, it is indeed the most demanded adventurous water sport in India. It has collected hearts and admirers from over the world, bagging them as prized possessions forever. Not only do domestic tourists, but travelers from international locations including Europe, Korea and Japan flock to Rishikesh to battle the rapids of River Ganga. If you’re one of them, or maybe just a curious lost soul, we have here all the information you need to know to prepare for war. White water river rafting expeditions in Rishikesh are no child’s play after all!

Why is Rishikesh popular for white water rafting?

Rishikesh proudly claims the title of the ‘river rafting capital of India’. Adventure lovers across the globe trot to Shiva’s land for a thrilling experience with the rapids. Here’s why this must be your best choice too!

Adventure that fits all – caste, creed and race no bar!
With several grades and difficulty levels, river rafting in Rishikesh is great for adults and kids alike (we’ll just leave out the toddlers though!). Experts and instructors help everyone enjoy the groove of the Ganga.

Wildlife views that will catch your eye and steal your heart!
Wildlife and natural beauty can be spotted in abundance during your rafting experience. Soak in the beauty of the most magnificent views of wildlife and the hills during your fun expedition. Something that lives up to the reputation of Uttarakhand’s natural beauty is surely the verdant beauty of Rishikesh, making it a celebrated tourist destination.

Last but not the least – The Ganga Gorge!
The Ganga Gorge definitely deserves credit for all the fun and laughs that echo throughout the activity. The thrilling white water fills your entire rafting trip at Rishikesh with the much needed adrenaline rush.
But does it end here? There are a lot of other activities to enjoy in Rishikesh!

Yes, you can catch up on a host of other adventurous and fun activities including cliff jumping, body surfing, beach camping, rappelling and rock climbing. You can also enjoy numerous scenic treks. An unforgettable experience for most vacationers is trekking to the Garhwali villages which are located not far away.

Best Season to Enjoy White Water Rafting in Rishikesh
River rafting in Rishikesh is an experience best enjoyed between the months of February to June. The activity remains closed during the monsoons to prevent accidents due to rise in the river water levels and reopens for tourists between September to the middle of December. 10-15 degrees centigrade is the fluctuation of the river water temperature during these times.

How many grades are there in rafting at rishikesh?

The rapids at Rishikesh are categorized on the basis of the challenge offered to the rafters. When choosing white water river rafting expeditions in Rishikesh, you must keep these in mind. While around the world, a total of six grades are found, Rishikesh sports rapids up to five grades.

Grade 1, is the no-risk grade and offers easy navigation across streams that are mild. In Rishikesh, the Good Morning, Sweet Sixteen, and Black Money are Grade 1 rapids.
Grade 2, Easy maneuver and rocks or obstacles held notable apart are the highlight of this grade. In Rishikesh, the Terminator, Double Trouble, Initiation, and Club House are Grade 2 rapids. The Shivpuri Rapid lies between Grade 2 and 3.
Grade 3, These rapids require good judgment as they are reasonably adventurous. In Rishikesh, the Return to Sender, Golf Course, Roller Coaster, CrossFire, and Three Blind Mice are Grade 3 rapids. Daniel’s Dip lies between Grade 3 and 4.
Grade 4, These rapids call for expertise as they have the strength to tumble the raft. The Great Wall is a Grade 4 rapids in Rishikesh.
Grade 5, These rapids are dangerous and hence, strictly suggested for experts.

What should I bring on a rafting trip?

Rafting Checklist for Summers, Make sure you pack plastic bags, extra undergarments, towels, zip lock waterproof bags, energy bars and drinks, old sneakers or river sandals, antiseptic cream, sunblock, a t-shirt, and a pair of shorts. You may optionally take swimming goggles, sunglasses, and waterproof cameras.
Rafting Checklist for Cold Weather, In addition to the above, when visiting during the cooler months, make sure you pack a woolen sweater, polypropylene long underwear, and neoprene gloves.

We couldn’t miss a special (fun yet informative) note! We clearly disclose that not everything on the checklist can be carried to the raft and you can surely rent wetsuits in Rishikesh. Oh yes, summers are known for humidity and cotton would prove to be your best friend!

What are the equipment used in rafting?

Here is the list of equipment,

Lifejacket – That’s your savior in most situations. Never take it off!
Inflatable rafting boats – They don’t rip (yes, thanks to innovation and great quality), but you might want to hold onto one.
Carbon paddles – For the smooth strokes that will help you enjoy the light buoyant feel (an unmatched experience, indeed).
Helmets – Head injuries are surely not on our agenda so some good headgear is necessary.
Wetsuit – When you feel the cold water you’ll surely thank the thermal insulation.
Rescue Throw Bags – These form an important component of any kayaking or river rafting equipment. They are filled with rope and help any swimmer who might be caught up in an emergency situation. It helps the swimmer reach the raft safely.

Is rafting going on in Rishikesh?

No, Due to current Covid-19 pandemic a curfew has been imposed in rishikesh. River Rafting in Rishikesh is expected to open by 15th September 2021. To know about current status of river rafting in rishikesh visit, http://wildhawk.in/rishikesh-rafting-current-status/

What is the best time for river rafting in Rishikesh?

I’ll suggest, 15th Sep – 30th Oct and 1st March – 30th June. However, Its available all over the year expect rainy season (1st July – 14th Sep). To Book your river rafting slot you can call us @ 09718200365

Is non veg banned in Rishikesh?

Yes, Non-Veg is Banned in municipal boundaries of Rishikesh. However, Its available outside the municipal boundaries of Rishikesh (Area above Shivpuri, Area above Garudchatti).

Is River rafting safe for non swimmers?

You don’t need to be a swimmer to enjoy this adventurous water sport. High-quality imported equipment and safety guidelines ensure minimum hazard and maximum fun.
Book a rafting slot with us, Call: 09718200365

What are the chances of dying during white water rafting?

River Rafting in Rishikesh is Safe. Rafting is Unsafe only for those having some kind of medical problems including but not limited to, Dama, Asthma, Blood Pressure .. etc.

With all this said, river rafting in Rishikesh is indeed going to be a fun adventure to embark upon so make sure you enjoy it to the fullest and capture it in the best way you can!


  1. Please share me details for river rafting and camping packeges in rishikesh for 5 persons ..

    1. Dear Sir,
      Thanks for your interest, can you please whatsapp us your requirements at 09718200365

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