Yoga Classes

Yoga for Beginners

To gain benefits from Yoga there is no need to be a Yogi or Yogini, People of all age groups can practice yoga and obtain benefits. No matter, If you are young, old, overweight, slim, or physically fit, Yoga is for everyone.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a science that explains the relationship between physical, mental, and spiritual to achieve a holistic health system which is formed from ancient Indian culture. Yoga was first introduced in the Yoga Sutras book written by Patanjali, A legend from India who lived around 200 to 500 BC (Sindhu, 2014: 30).

Benefits of Yoga

Here are some of the main benefits of yoga that you can feel if you do it properly and practice yoga regularly.

  • Builds flexibility and strength.
  • Reducing the risk of chronic disease.
  • Increase muscle mass and improve posture.
  • Improve balance.
  • Lose weight.

Not only physical health, yoga is also beneficial for maintaining mental health, such as improving a better mood and helping manage symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression .

Yoga for Beginners

If you have never experienced yoga, Your mind may be full of questions and worries. Below are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers.

Is there a certain age limit for doing yoga?

No, Yoga is for Everyone. Some people even start doing yoga at the age of 70 years anyone can start practicing yoga, including children. However, I’ll advise you to look for a yoga class according to your age group.

Can yoga only be practiced by experienced people?

No, Yoga actually helps those who want to start training their body to become more flexible and fit. However, there are stages, types, and yoga postures that are intended for people who are used to doing basic movements.
For starters, you can try Hatha Yoga. Hatha yoga is a series of simple yoga postures that are widely recommended for beginners.

Can yoga cause Injuries?

Injuries while doing yoga are generally caused by forced stretching. However, this risk can be minimized by doing yoga with a certified instructor and joining classes that match your abilities.

Who should not do yoga?

In general, yoga can be practiced by anyone. However, people with certain health conditions need to check before doing yoga, such as:
1) Pregnant women.
2) Hernia sufferers.
3) Patients with blood clotting disorders.
4) People with advanced osteoporosis.
5) People with eye disorders (including glaucoma).
6) People who experience decreased bodily functions.
7) People who have uncontrolled blood pressure.
8) People with severe balance disorders.

Different Type of Yoga

In addition to Hatha Yoga which is recommended for newbies and beginners, There are many other types of yoga that include, Yoga Lyengar, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Yoga Kripalu.

Tips for Taking Yoga Classes for Beginners

Time needed: 55 minutes


Here are some tips that you may find useful before starting yoga for the first time:

  1. Select the instructor you like.

    When you start getting trained with a comfortable instructor, the exercises are even more fun. Make sure the trainer actually provides yoga practice for beginners.

  2. Select the appropriate type of yoga

    As a beginner, choose a type of yoga that is easy to do, such as Hatha Yoga. After you get used to doing it, then you can gradually follow other types of yoga.

  3. Adjust to ability

    Practise Yoga daily and perform the best you can. Also use tools during the exercise, such as blocks, rope, or small towels, so that you don’t stretch too much. Don’t forget to ask your coach for help.

  4. Comparing yourself with others

    Everyone’s ability to practice yoga varies, especially if you are a beginner. Don’t compare your abilities with the abilities of other participants while you are practicing. Because comparing yourself to other people who are already proficient will only stress you out.

  5. Don’t push yourself

    Do it Naturally, If you want to quickly master the yoga movements that are beautiful and full of benefits. However, don’t push yourself. If you feel sick, it is a sign that you need to stop.

NOTE, If you want to make yoga an alternative therapy to treat your health problems, you should first consult with your doctor for advice or recommendations on the right type of yoga.

If you are looking for yoga teacher training then you should consider reading this article, Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, Know Before You Join, before starting your Yoga journey.