world population

Now, Planet Earth is Home to 800 Million People

November 16, 2022 – ‘800 million hopes, 800 million dreams, 800 million possibilities. Earth has become home to 800 million people on Tuesday.’ The United Nations Population Fund announced that human civilization had reached this historic milestone with these words. However, India, which played an essential role in achieving this, is no longer contributing much because the population growth rate in India has declined.

This does not mean our population will not grow in the next few decades. On the contrary, it will continue to grow. If the growth rate stops, the total fertility rate (the average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime) will be less than two. Results will start appearing.

However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. For example, in states like Assam, even today, the TFR is much higher than the national average. So the state government has started disqualifying people from government jobs and local elections for having more than two children to stop this.

This is Elias


This child of Karim and Alia was born through an operation in a charity hospital in Berlin, Germany. According to the United Nations report, the world’s population has reached eight billion.

Good sign for India, and Worry, too, the population will come down to 103 crores.

Since 2011, the country’s population has grown at a rate of 1.2 percent annually. Earlier the growth rate was 1.7 percent. As a result, India, with a population of 138 crores, will overtake China, with a population of 140 crores, in 2023. By 2050 we will be 166 crores, 35 crores more than China. At the same time, by 2100, the population will come down to 103 crores, 35 crores less than today.

India has the most significant number of youth in the world.

The average age of Indians in 2023 will be 28.7 years. At the same time, the Chinese will have 38.4 years, the Japanese 48.6 years, and the global average age will be 30.3 years. This year, Indians aged 15 to 29 account for 27% of the country’s population. Two hundred fifty-three million Indian citizens are in the age group of 10 to 19 years, which is the highest in the world.

Alert: After the year 2030, the youth population will change

  • The UN warned that after 2030, India would no longer be the country with the youngest population. After 2025, the growth rate of the youth population will also decline.
  • Understand the crisis from China’s situation – In 2021, 267 million people (18.9%) were elderly in China. In 2035, 400 million people will be above 60 years of age. As a result, only a few working-age citizens will be by 2050, while raising medical resources for an aging population will bring new challenges.
  • The maximum population increased by 17.70 crores in India and 7.30 crores in China.

Unless the deep gulf between the rich and the underprivileged is bridged, by filling the earth with 800 million people, we are setting ourselves up for a world full of tension, crisis and conflict.

Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General