
Depressed? Try Reiki to Prevent Depression

Instead of going to the doctor, many people prefer alternative therapies to prevent or treat disease. Well, one of such therapy that is quite popular is Reiki. So, Have you ever heard about it? Or have you tried or experienced it?

Reiki is a healing technique discovered in Japan, Based on the belief that universal energy can be passed from a practitioner to a client to improve health, while the negative energy is released to be spread into the universe.

In simple terms, the practice of Reiki involves the performance of a practitioner transferring energy through his hands to the client, to make positive changes both in terms of physical and emotional health.

A Brief History of Reiki

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese ” rei ” which means universe and ” ki ” means life energy.

In other words, Reiki is energy healing. This energy healing technique was first developed by a Japanese named Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922.

The practice of Reiki also expanded to the America in the 1940s and Europe in the 1980s.

You might like, History of Reiki – A Complete Guide.

Done in a Calm Atmosphere

Basically, Reiki can be done anywhere as long as it is in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Through the practice of Reiki, a client can sit or lie down to the accompaniment of music or not. The therapy will place the hands on certain areas, such as the head or other parts of the body, for approximately 2-5 minutes. Its purpose is to transfer energy.

When the therapist feels the heat or energy in his hand subsides, then the position of the hand is moved to another area of ​​the body.

Reiki is done in several sessions, which can last anywhere from 15-90 minutes, depending on the client’s preferences or the goals to be achieved.


Some of the techniques used in Reiki are beaming, centering, clearing, infusing, extracting harmful energies, smoothing, and raking the aura.

Benefits of Reiki for health

The practicing Reiki can provide health benefits, particularly for relieving depression as described in a 2010 scientific study. Researchers saw the positive effects of Reiki in increasing feelings of relaxation, mood, and well-being in adults experiencing pain, anxiety, or depression.

In addition, Reiki is predicted to improve mood, quality of life, relieve pain and fatigue, and relieve some symptoms of headaches, nausea, insomnia, and tension.

According to a 2019 study in “The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,” a single session of Reiki can improve many variables related to physical and psychological health.

Three Levels of Reiki

Learning Reiki involves three levels, where training for each level generally takes 21 days. Each level involves adjustment by a certified practitioner.

Someone who wants to learn Reiki must go through the attunement stage , which is a kind of procedure for channeling energy through three different symbols.

The three different symbols represent different aspects of the energy of the universe, including power (Choku Rei), mental/emotional balance (Sei He Ki), and distance healing (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen).

Reiki Has No Harmful Side Effects

This therapy does not have harmful side effects.

You might like, Reiki FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Reiki can be an adjunct therapy that can support healing and a person’s level of feeling of well-being. How about you, are you interested in trying it?

To learn reiki you can join Our Reiki Classes in Rishikesh, Delhi, and Online.