
Skiing to Start This Year at Dayara Bugyal

November 23, 2022 – This Year tourists will be able to enjoy skiing at Dayara Bugyal. Along with this, local people will also get employment. For this, skiing training will be given to the villagers by the tourism department.


Dayara Bugyal, situated at an altitude of 11320 feet, spread over an area of ​​28 sq km, has immense possibilities for skiing. Still, the administration has never been serious about skiing in this Bugyal. Nevertheless, the beauty of Bugyal attracts thousands of tourists every Year.

Every Year the villagers of Raithal play Holi of milk and butter, which is quite popular among tourists from all over the globe. For a very long time, Villagers have been demanding to promote of sports like skiing. Finally, The tourism department is planning to give skiing training to villagers. For this, the department has also planned to provide ten skiing kits to villagers. The skiing training is believed to be started as soon as the snow falls this Year.

Ten skiing kits are being provided to the villagers. Along with this, the villagers will also be trained for skiing so that the villagers can take advantage of skiing in Dayara Bugyal commercially.

Rahul Choubey, District Tourism Development Officer, Uttarkashi.