Heart Chakra

Open your Heart Chakra

Unlock the Emotional Power of your Heart for Transformation, There are seven main energy or psychic centers that radiate throughout the body, both front and back. These are called chakras, which is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Each chakra is central to various energies to be transformed and connected to your body. The body chakra starts at the base of your spine and runs to the top of your head. Chakras are seen as a vision or psychic vision sometimes as colored circles, funnels, flowers, or simply as fields around the body.

These energy centers have a vibrational frequency and can also be heard clairaudiently.

Unconditional Love Center

In your human energy system, the center of unconditional love is located in the center of your chest. This is your fourth chakra. It controls the heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, arms, shoulders, hands, diaphragm, ribs/breasts, and tin glands.

Heart Chakra Issues

Many issues of love, sadness, hatred, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, loneliness, as well as the ability to heal ourselves and others, are centered on the fourth chakra.

From this position in the center of the body, the fourth chakra is the balance between your body and spirit. This chakra is where unconditional love is centered. Unconditional love is a creative and powerful energy that can guide and help us through the most difficult times. This energy is available at any time if we divert our attention and use it to free us from our limits and fears.

Ask Yourself Some These Questions

  • What emotional memories do I need to heal?
  • Does a current or past relationship need healing?
  • Did my emotional wounds take over, causing me to try and control the people or situations around me?
  • Do I allow other people’s wounds to control me? How do I let that happen?
  • What do I need to forgive myself for? Who needs forgiveness from me?

To have fourth chakra energy that fully touches our daily lives requires intention and practice. This begins within us because, without the ability to love ourselves, we cannot truly experience love from others or give it to others. In loving ourselves, we allow the intention to produce feelings of unconditional love within ourselves and then share these feelings with others. Whatever we send is returned to us.

The powerful practice of opening up and creating unconditional love is one of the Buddhist traditions. It’s called Metta practice and only takes fifteen minutes to do each day. Metta is a word that means the goodness of life. The practice of Metta is the practice of meditation and the maintenance of well-being for oneself and others. Many books and articles describe this practice in much more detail. The book Loving Kindness: The Art of the Happiness Revolution by Sharon Salzberg is one of the best.


Starting Metta practice will begin your journey to a point of balance of your body and spirit. This is a journey that will change and begin to heal all parts of your body, heart, and mind.

Basic Instructions for the Practice of Metta

Sit comfortably in a chair or pillow in a place where you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes.

With eyes open or closed, relax, breathe easily and comfortably. Feel your energy can enter your body easily and comfortably.

Start drawing your awareness to your heart area, and let your breathing arise from that area. See if certain words emerge from your heart that speaks to what you desire most deeply for yourself. For example, “May I enjoy peace, may I enjoy good health, and lots of love.” Continue this way until you feel a sense of well-being.

Now, picture or imagine radiating outward in a series of these concentric circles well for others who have close intimacy. For example, “May husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, sons, daughters enjoy health, peace, and much love.” Keep radiating beyond this well-being to the people around you until you feel complete.

Then move this circle to people you know, and then people you don’t know and move the circle outward to cities, countries, countries, and the rest of the world. Bring the practice to a conclusion when you feel complete with it.