Reiki FAQ

Reiki FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

There are many questions that may come to your mind about Reiki, I have tried my best to include as many as questions possible, Incase you have any additional questions then do send me an email and I’ll be happy to answer them. Before you start I’ll suggest you read History of Reiki, To have a better understanding of reiki, Check out these Questions followed by answers,

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural hands-on healing system designed to assist in bringing about a balance of the mental, emotional, and physical body of either the practitioner (as in self-healing) or the person being treated. During Reiki treatments, the hands are placed on one’s self or the other person in pre-designated positions.

How does Reiki energy flow?

Reiki flows through the palms of the practitioner and depends on the illness being treated, the individual’s willingness to accept change, and the degree of blockages within the individual.

How can I best understand Reiki?

The best way to understand Reiki is to have a full-body treatment by an experienced practitioner in order to experience its effects firsthand rather than listen to others say what it is like. It’s like being told how a strawberry tastes without ever having tasted the strawberry. In order to appreciate the strawberry, it’s best to taste it. Likewise, the same thing applies to Reiki.

Is Reiki a form of faith healing?

Although Reiki’s precepts are spiritual in nature one does not have to believe in Reiki in order for it to work nor do they have to belong to anyone religion; furthermore, Reiki does not interfere with the practice of any one religion nor does it go against the religion one does practice. In other words, Reiki is non-denominational.

Can Reiki be learned from a book?

Yes and No. Reiki can be learned, to an extent from a how-to-book; however, in order to be fully attuned, as a healer through which Reiki will flow, one MUST have attunements from another fully qualified Reiki practitioner otherwise the Reiki results will not be as strong as they normally would be without the attunements from a practitioner. These attunements from an outside Reiki practitioner imbeds in the recipient’s aura the symbols to a much greater degree than if an attunement had not been done at all.

Is Reiki for everyone?

In a manner of speaking Reiki is for everyone; however, not everyone accepts Reiki and without this openness, Reiki will be less than rewarding unless the person wanting to be healed is open to Reiki.

Who can benefit from a Reiki treatment?

Anyone can benefit from a Reiki treatment as long as they have an open mind. Reiki is not reserved for the rich and famous. Nor does Reiki depend on race, nationality, age, or sexuality.

What does Reiki feel like?

Common sensations are a feeling of warmth, coolness, pins, and needles, tingling sensations, itchiness, throbbing, drowsy feeling, and restlessness.

What is a Reiki attunement?

A Reiki attunement is a ritual performed by a Reiki Master involving the placement of the Reiki symbols on either the palm or the crown of the student in a specific manner. This placement involves the transference of certain cosmic energies.

What types of changes can I expect following my Reiki attunement?

Changes will be different from one person to the next. Some folks will experience changes that they deem negative in nature (a release of blockages) while others will not seem to experience anything at all causing them to believe that Reiki does nothing for them. Whichever group you fall into rest assured that Reiki works to bring about ONLY positive changes, changes which will be forthcoming if one remains patient.

Will I know when Reiki is working?

Some people will know that Reiki is working because they notice shifts in energy; whereas, others feel nothing. Because you don’t feel anything happening don’t take it to mean that Reiki does not work. TRUST that Reiki is working.

What if my hands don’t feel hot?

Some people feel hot hands when applying Reiki; however, there are others who do not. You do not need to have hot hands in order for Reiki to flow through you so don’t look for a sign when doing Reiki otherwise you may interrupt the flow that has always been there once you have been attuned as a Reiki practitioner.

I feel balls of energy collecting in my hands. What is that all about?

When an overabundance of Reiki energy builds up in the palm of the hands this may indicate that more Reiki self-treatments are needed. Should this occur feel free to place your hands on your body where you feel more energy is required.

Will Reiki ever run out?

No. Reiki is an infinite energy supply coming from the one source that created the universe and will never run out nor will you ever deplete the Reiki energy you’ve accumulated within your own body while giving treatments.

Does nutrition play a role in Reiki?

Yes. Good nutrition is necessary. It is recommended that one eat several small meals a day rather than 3 large meals a day, meals that provide the body with all the essential nutrients to maintain good physical health.

What is the purpose of the Reiki hand placements?

Hand placements are given over the 12 traditional positions on the body (the number of hand placements varies depending on the Reiki system employed) to allow the body full coverage so that no one part of the body is neglected as energy flows from the palms of the hands to these body parts of the person. Normally each position is held for at least 3 minutes. By covering the entire body it can best be ascertained that the body does not become lopsided in the healing.

How often should I conduct self-treatments?

First-time Reiki students would do their best to give FULL body Reiki self-treatments every day for four to six weeks. After four to six weeks a FULL body Reiki self-treatment once a week should be more than enough; however, if your body tells you that you need Reiki more often than once a week do Reiki more often.

Are there any limitations to Reiki?

The only limitation on Reiki is those we impose on it ourselves since Reiki, to work most effectively, depends on the trust and belief of the individual applying this hands-on healing system.

Do I need to direct the flow of Reiki?

No. Reiki will automatically flow where ever it is needed the most; however, if you direct Reiki to flow to a specific area it will tend to concentrate its healing power where ever you send it.

Now that I’m a Reiki practitioner, am I obligated to treat others?

No. You have the right to refuse treatment nor are you obligated to give treatment unless you so choose to do so. If at any time you feel strongly that you don’t want to give a Reiki treatment to another simply politely refuse, accept the feelings you have about not giving a treatment, and move on.

What purpose do Reiki symbols serve?

Each Reiki symbol has its own purpose; however, when they have combined the functions of these symbols provide focal points to the healing practitioner/s for their healing intentions.

Why is Reiki called “smart energy”?

Reiki is called “smart energy” because it is an intelligent energy and automatically knows where healing energy is needed most in the person and will tend to flow in that direction unless directed elsewhere by the practitioner.

What is a Reiki share?

A Reiki share is sort of like a fellowship whereby practitioners get together to give each other treatments and socialize with one another strengthening their own convictions towards Reiki.

Why did I start crying during my Reiki treatment?

Some folks may experience crying, screaming, coughing, vomiting, or other reactions during and after treatments. These reactions simply mean that intense emotional release has been experienced due to the treatment.

Why is it important to sweep the recipient’s auric field after a Reiki treatment?

It is best to sweep or comb through the auric fields of both the individual, practitioner and treatment room to clear any negative energies that have a tendency to linger once the treatment is accomplished.

Is it safe to treat children with Reiki?

Yes, it is perfectly ok to treat children with Reiki since it is a gentle non-invasive method, besides, children will be more receptive to the healing properties of Reiki since they have not developed all the disbelief that adults have.

How important is it to attain the Master level of training?

Being a certified Master does not necessarily mean he/she will be better off than a Level I or Level II trained Reiki practitioner. It all depends on how often one uses Reiki. Proficiency is the key here. If a Level I or Level II practitioner applies Reiki more often than a Level III (Master) then the Level I/II will have more favorable results than that of a Master.

Does my belief in Reiki (or my skepticism) create a placebo affect that does the “healing”?

Belief has little to do with the success or failure of a treatment, however, the client must be willing to accept the energy that is provided; practitioners only provide energy to those wishing to receive it.

Do you need to concentrate in order to channel the reiki energy?

When a Reiki practitioner’s hands are placed on or near any living organism the Reiki `turns on’ automatically. There is no conscious effort needed on the part of the practitioner. If a Reiki practitioner is asleep and his or her hands are placed on another person’s injury or wound the Reiki starts flowing even though the practitioner is asleep.

Is the Reiki flow the same in both hands?

The Reiki flow is the same in both hands. There is no giving or receiving hand to worry about when using Reiki.

Are there any harmful side effects from Reiki?

There have been no reported cases of negative effects from Reiki. Some people have observed what at first appears to be negative effects. When the body is undergoing a healing process, there can be short-term effects that cause some discomfort.
People with a great deal of accumulated stress or emotional blocks can feel everything coming up at first with treatments as their body starts to process the effects of the Reiki.

Can an attunement be ‘wrong’, ‘bad for you’, ‘harmful’ or ‘dangerous’?

This is impossible. Attunements work with Reiki energy which is above our own personal desires for power over others. Therefore no one can ever come to harm with Reiki. You are a part of the energy before you even receive an attunement – and during an attunement, you receive more of this beautiful, life-fueling energy. The person who receives the Reiki energy will always take the amount of energy that they need rather than what we believe they need. This means that you are always in control of what is happening with Reiki even if it is in an unconscious manner. When people begin to bring fear into Reiki then you will know that their own personal issues are involved. Remember – Reiki is the energy that makes the universe function in all its perfection.
If you are not yet attuned then you can join our Reiki Classes in Rishikesh, also available in Delhi and online.

Can an attunement be ‘wiped out’ or do I ever need to be ‘re-attuned’?

Absolutely not! No matter which school of Reiki you may find yourself in, there is no right or wrong attunement. There are many roads which will lead to the same goal. Though attunements may vary from school to school they all work. It is the intent that is the motivation for the clearing, not the ritual itself. As an attunement is a powerful clearing of the body’s energy lines it is impossible to be able to undo this. Each attunement that you receive takes you a step further to re-aligning yourself with the perfect function of your body, mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Once again, if fear is used as a method of getting students and clients then this is not the way of Reiki but the way of an individual’s ego.

What is intent?

What you set yourself up to believe. Your intent will ensure the outcome. If your intent is to be unhappy in life be assured that this will be the outcome. If your intent is to be compassionate in life, well the choice is yours, and therefore it is achievable. Intent rules every aspect of your life and sometimes we are not aware of the strength of intent we possess and use. As far as Reiki is concerned if you intend to do the Reiki, in the manner you were taught, then that is what will happen. If you intend to do an attunement then the person will become attuned to the energy. If you intend to treat a person with Reiki then that person will receive a Reiki treatment. It is important to set your intentions clearly and that is why we use a ritual (attunement) to help us focus our purpose of intent.

Are attunements done in person stronger then distant attunements?

In my personal opinion, Attunements done in person are no stronger than attunements done from a distance.

When Not To Use Reiki?

Do not use Reiki before surgery or dental work because it tends to neutralize anesthesia. Do not use Reiki on broken bones before the doctor has a chance to set them. Do not use Reiki on a severed limb until it has been reattached otherwise the energy that Reiki releases can seal off veins and nerves making it impossible to re-attach the limb. Instead of treating the severed area of the limb treats other areas for shock. Do not do Reiki on a diabetic since Reiki will tend to reduce the amount of insulin needed and you may be misled to think you need less insulin.