15 Best Places to Visit during your visit to Badrinath

Badrinath is a well known religious destination and is one of the char dhams of India and is home of Lord Vishnu. The place is the perfect blend of beauty and spirituality situated at an altitude of 3050 m. The place is known as the chief location for the Char Dham yatra undertaken by pilgrims in India and has religious importance too. The site is well connected to surrounding areas; also, accommodations are readily available here. Below we have listed 15 best places to visit during your visit to Badrinath. Let’s discuss them one by one:

Badrinath Temple

Badrinath temple is considered as one of the famous temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is situated on the left bank of River Alaknanda. The temple consists of the small cupola of gilt bull along with spire and is constructed in shape of a cone. Saint philosopher Adi Guru Shankaracharya builds this famous temple in Badrinath in eight century. The main entrance of the Badrinath temple is known as Singh Dwara and is one of the main attractions of the temple. This beautiful temple is divided into three main sections i.e.

  • Sanctum sanctorum or garbha griba
  • Sabah mandap where devotees assemble
  • Darshan mandap where prayers and rituals are conducted

This famous Badrinath temple is popular for its idol sculpted in black stone, which is about one metre high and which depicts Lord Vishnu in a seated pose doing meditation. Along with this, the temple has fifteen idols of many Hindu gods.

Charan Paduka Badrinath


Charan Paduka is one of the popular attractions in Badrinath and is a beautiful rock having the foot impressions of Lord Vishnu. It is a scared rock having the imprints of Lord Vishnu’s feet and is situated at a distance of just three km from Badrinath and about 1.5 km from Banganga. The places attract visitors from all over the world and are perched at an elevation of 3380 feet above sea level. As per Hindu mythology here Lord Vishnu put his foot first and as per Bhagwat Puran the minister of Lord Krishna, i.e. Uddhav took the Charan Paduka of the deity to prevent it from any wrongdoings.

Vasudhara Falls Badrinath

Vasudhara Falls

Vasudhara falls is sweet nectar surging close to the holy city of Badrinath and is considered as one of the most enchanting places to visit. It is a ravishing waterfall drop from an elevation of 400 feet about 122 m above sea level. The heavenly beauty of the site can only be savored by those who are pure clean and unstained from culpability. The undiluted beauty, along with the serene ambience of the place is what attracts worshippers to visit. The place is a call for all nature lovers who love to dip themselves into nature’s ethereal beauty. Trekkers can also enjoy by trekking from Mana village and passing through Saraswati temple. The best part of the trek is the stunning view of the buoyant Vasudhara River valley. This fall is located on the way where Pandavas started their journey to heaven.

Tapt Kund Badrinath

Tapt Kund

Tapt Kund is a well known hot water spring amongst devotees which lies amid Badrinath shrine and Alaknanda River. This spring is situated in Badrinath temple in Chamoli and is a holy natural hot water spring consisting of 45 degrees temperature. However, the area has freezing temperature as well as snowfall, but Tapt Kund extracts hot water and is considered as the residing place of Agni Deva. The water of this hot spring comes from Garur Shila, and it flows into a concrete stone tank. The spring is situated on the right side of the entry of Badrinath temple. Devotees take a dip in it before entering the holy shrine as it is a common ritual. It is believed that this thermal hot water spring cures all body ailments as it has healing qualities. Pilgrims take a dip in it and believe that it will impart goodness as well as purifies your soul too.

Bheem Pul Badrinath

Bheem Pul

Bheem Pul is in the Mana Village of Badrinath town and is just 4 km from Badrinath temple. As per Hindu mythology at the time when Pandavas were walking for, i.e. heaven, they followed this path, i.e. And is called as Swargarohani and for Draupadi to cross River Saraswati. It is believed that Bheem brought a big Shila and placed it above the River as it becomes a bridge. The best part of it is that this is a single stone which is perfectly placed and is also shaped such that it would not descend further. This place also as geographical significance as it is the last village of the Indian subcontinent and worth a visit.

Narad Kund

Narad Kund is the bejeweled sacred town of Badrinath and is also known as the second major attraction of Badrinath. It is a holy place from where Adi Shankara discovered the idol of Lord Vishnu. It is an inlet in River Alaknanda and is naturally enclosed by a rock. This hot water spring of Badrinath is one of the most revered places, and it is aid that Narad Muni wrote Narad Bhakti Sutra here, and so the place is named after him. In spite of cold temperatures and snow capped mountains, the water in Narad Kund remains hot. The best part is the natural surroundings around the thermal hot water spring, which make this place more beautiful.

Saraswati River

Saraswati River in Badrinath is named after the Goddess of wisdom. It is a tributary of River Alaknanda at Keshav Prayag close to Mana village and has its origin in a mountain close to Mana village. It is clearly visible from the height of 100 m before it submerges underground. As per Hindu mythology many sages counting Vishvamitra, Angira, Narad, Bhrigu, Vashishta, Lord Krishna, the Pandava brothers, King Sagar and many other have meditated at this site and attained salvation on its bank. The sound of roaring gush along with bubbly frosty water and the heavenly sight made this place a stunning spectacle.

Vyas Gufa Badrinath

Vyas Gufa

Vyas Gufa, also known as Vyas cave is an ancient cave located on banks of River Saraswati and is at the distance of 5.5 km from the Badrinath bus stand at Mana village. It is believed that this place is where sage Vyas composed the epic Mahabharata along with Lord Ganesha. He also composed about 18 Puranas, Brahma sutras as well as four Vedas. His statue is also installed in the cave and is worshipped by pilgrims. Also, Ganesha cave is located nearby below the Vyas cave. This holy cave is about 5323 years old and is considered as the sacred site with an exclusive feature, i.e. roof which resembles the pages of the script.

Brahma Kapal

Brahma Kapal is situated on the banks of River Alaknanda and is the place with great importance for Hindus in Badrinath. Here people use to pay homage to the dead souls of their ancestors and is located about 2 km ahead from the hills of Badrinath. Devotees believed that Lord Brahma himself exists at this site and if people perform rituals as well as Shraddha Karm for the departed souls of their deceased family members they will for sure get salvation from the continuous cycle of birth and death.

Yog Dhyan Badri Temple

The name Yog Dhyan Badri is named after Pandav King and is located at Pandukeshwar at the height of 1920 m and is just 24 km from Badrinath on Rishikesh- Badrinath highway. It is an experience of the lifetime as a myth holds this place to be the birthplace of the Pandavas. It is believed that King Pandu installed the bronze image of Lord Vishnu and which has a meditative stance, and that is why the name is given to it. Your Badrinath pilgrimage will not be considered as completed without visiting this divine temple where you have to descend all the way through stone steps to reach the temple.

Ganesh Gufa

Ganesh Gufa in Badrinath is the cave where it is believed that Lord Ganesha wrote epic Mahabharata which was dictated by Rishi Vyas. The cave is located nearby popular Vyas cave and is surrounded by lush green meadows along with beautiful temples. It is considered as the spiritually uplifting cave in Mana village and is the place of mythological and historical importance. It is the naturally formed gufa which attract several Globetrotters. It is one such place which is often thronged by pilgrims who visit Badrinath Dham. There is also one small temple located nearby Ganesh Gufa which should not be missed. From Vyas Gufa upward climb of about 3 km, there is one more cave called as Muchukand Gufa and is the place where Lord Krishna annihilated Kaal Yawan demon.

Mana Village

Mana village is situated at the distance of 5.5 km from Badrinath bus stand is a picturesque tiny village on the Indo- Tibetan border. It is recognized as the last village of India and is at the height of about 3219 m on banks of River Saraswati. The town contains many caves specifically Vyas cave where Rishi Vyas dictated Mahabharata to Lord Ganesha. The place is best for trekking as there are numerous trails nearby counting Vasudhara Falls, Swargarohini as well as Keshav Prayag. This place c surrounded by hills can be explored as a day trip from Badrinath where you can enjoy the calmness in the air and traditional wooden huts along with narrow lanes. Mana village is well known for many things, including woolen materials and garments made of ship wool. It is also famous for its kidney beans as well as potatoes too.



Pandukeshwar is a holy site located in route to Badrinath and is at the height of 1829m. The place is at the distance of just 18 km from Joshimath and is considered as the site where King Pandu, father of Pandavas of Mahabharata epic worshipped Lord Shiva. There are two famous temples here which should not be missed at all. One is Yogadhyan Badri Temple, and the other is Lord Shiva temple. The place has two temples, one for Lord Yogabadri Narayan and other for Lord Vasudeva.


Sheshnetra is just a few km from Badrinath and is considered as a holy place due to its historical significance. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu took retreat on a snake by named as Anantha Shesha and exploring Sheshnetra reminds this belief to the mind of the devotees. Also, the eye of the serpent Sheaga on which Lord Vishnu reclines is observed on the rock as the big rock is marked with one eye of this legendary snake. As per the beliefs, this Sheshnetra guards the holy shrine of Badrinath and is considered as one of the noteworthy sacred sites in Badrinath. Apart from its religious importance, the place presents stunning and mesmerizing views of the surroundings along with two lakes and River Alaknanda in the backdrop.

Satopanth Lake

Satopanth Lake

Satopanth Lake in Badrinath is considered as a secluded and untouched lake lies close to the Badrinath town. The site is hidden amid the most impressive ranges and is bright green lake displays elegance and tranquility. It makes for a perfect diversion from a pilgrimage to Badrinath located just 22 km from the main town. The unique thing about this lake is that it is a triangular lake with three corners and surrounded by snow-covered mountains and is named after Lord Mahesh, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. As per beliefs, these three gods had mediated here ay each corner of the lake, and so it is named after them. Also, Satopanth Lake trek is noted as one of the most challenging trekking trails and even the most beautiful trekking routes too. This trek needs at least four to five days.

By planning Badrinath trip soak yourself in the serenity of the town, submerge in spirituality, also take a holy dip in Narad Kund and feel the ecstasy. Also, indulge yourself in photography or else you can also embark on thrilling treks that roam through Mana Village.