Uttarakhand Set to Launch India’s First Gyrocopter Safari Service, Redefining Adventure Tourism

December 18, 2023: In a groundbreaking move, Uttarakhand is gearing up to introduce India’s inaugural gyrocopter safari service by the end of the year, promising to revolutionize adventure tourism in the region and draw in a wave of tourists seeking a unique aerial perspective.

Scheduled Launch and German Expertise

Latest reports reveal that the launch is anticipated around December 16, introducing gyrocopters imported from Germany, courtesy of Autogyro, a leading company in the field. German pilots will conduct the initial tests, marking the first-ever use of gyros in India for the tourism sector, as disclosed by Col Ashvini Pundir, the Additional Chief Executive Officer of the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board.

Departure Point and Ticket Cost

The gyrocopters will take off from the Bairagi camp in Haridwar, offering riders a spectacular view of the region. Col Pundir highlighted the cost-effectiveness of gyrocopters, with an estimated operating cost of INR 200 per minute. This affordability is expected to make the gyrocopter safari an attractive adventure option, with a ten-minute flight priced at around INR 1,000.

A First for India and South Asia

Manish Saini, CEO of the private sports company overseeing the air safari, emphasized that this venture is not only India’s first but also a pioneering service across South Asia. The company has been conducting air safaris in Rishikesh since 2014, with plans to expand to Rishikesh for gyrocopter safaris, offering tourists an unparalleled bird’s-eye view of the region’s natural splendor.


State’s Commitment to Tourism

Uttarakhand’s Tourism Minister, Satpal Maharaj, highlighted the government’s dedication to promoting adventure sports and pilgrimage, ensuring seamless journeys for tourists. Plans for the development of Adi Kailash, Om Parvat, Corbett, and Sitabani were also outlined, showcasing the state’s ample tourism potential.

Astrotourism Potential

Starscapes founder Ramashish Ray urged the government to tap into the vast potential of astrotourism in the state. With 64 observatories nationwide, including one in Kausani, Uttarakhand could become a hub for celestial wonders. Developing astrotourism could significantly contribute to employment and revenue generation in the state.

About the Gyrocopter Experience

Gyrocopters, a unique type of rotorcraft, use a rotor that is not powered to generate lift. Resembling a small helicopter but distinguished by the absence of an engine turning the rotors, gyrocopters offer tourists a distinctive and exhilarating experience. This new adventure promises to allow visitors to marvel at the majestic Himalayan landscape from an entirely novel and thrilling perspective.

As Uttarakhand pioneers the gyrocopter safari, it not only sets a precedent for adventure tourism in India but also elevates the region’s appeal as a destination for unique and unforgettable experiences.