Have fun with paintball and add some colour to your soul
Wildhawk has now added a little color to the adventure they offer. Now you will get to experience paintball at our camps in Rishikesh & Near Delhi. Be it grit, guts, speed, strategy, stealth or just fun, paintball has it all. It’s a game for the youth and will encourage you to get rid of your Xbox and computers and give you thrilling experience of real combat except the pain. If you are looking for a more upgraded version of peek-a-boo then paintball is the game for you.
A little about the game
- The game is played for 40-45 minutes.
- A minimum of 4 players are needed although the number can go up to 10.
- If played in a group about a 100 people can participate in the game being in the groups of 10.
- The timing is also perfect and flexible. You can play from 6 in the morning to 7 in the evening if you wish.
- The equipment needed include markers, CO2 cylinders, hoppers, a chest guard and face masks.
The package: The game can be requested at the camp and it will mainly depend on the size of the group, ball game and the time. To know more place a call to 09718200365.