Madhya Pradesh’s Sacred Stone Balls Unveiled as 70-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Eggs

December 27, 2023: In a remarkable revelation that has captivated both experts and travelers, the village of Padlya in Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district is now at the center of attention. Recent reports have exposed a fascinating truth about the revered ‘stone balls’ that locals, including Vesta Mandaloi and his family, have worshipped for generations—they are fossilized eggs of dinosaurs.

Known as ‘Kakar Bhairav’ or the lord of the land, these palm-sized stone objects were traditionally believed to be protective deities, ensuring the safety of farms and livestock. However, during a routine field visit by experts from the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences in Lucknow, it was discovered that these sacred totems are, in fact, fossilized dinosaur eggs, specifically belonging to the Titanosaur species.

The revelation came as a surprise to many villagers in Padlya who had participated in the age-old practice of worshipping these stone balls without knowledge of their fascinating prehistoric origins. The Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences conducted a thorough analysis, dispelling the long-held belief in the supernatural origins of the stone balls.


The historical connection to the dinosaur era was unveiled as the experts identified the objects as fossilized Titanosaur eggs. The Madhya Pradesh Narmada Valley, it seems, served as a dinosaur hatchery zone millions of years ago. In early 2023, a significant discovery of 256 fossilized Titanosaurus eggs, estimated to be approximately 70 million years old, was made in Dhar and surrounding areas.

This groundbreaking revelation not only reshapes the understanding of the village’s cherished artifacts but also contributes to the broader scientific knowledge of the region’s paleontological history. The once-revered stone balls have transitioned from symbols of divine protection to tangible remnants of a prehistoric past, offering a unique perspective on the coexistence of ancient civilizations and the dinosaurs that once roamed the Madhya Pradesh Narmada Valley.

Described as the first dinosaurs in the Indian subcontinent, the Titanosaurs, signifying ‘titan lizard,’ originated approximately 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. These colossal creatures hold the distinction of being the largest dinosaurs to have roamed the Earth, sparking widespread interest among scientists, historians, and the local community alike. This discovery opens new avenues for research and exploration, unraveling the mysteries of our planet’s distant past.