Enchanting Kedarnath Embraced by Heavy Snowfall

November 13, 2023 – Kedarnath, the sacred abode of the revered Kedarnath Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, is draped in a pristine white blanket as heavy snowfall graces the region for the past three days. With approximately four inches of snow adorning the landscape, Kedarpur is experiencing an intense cold spell. The maximum temperature hovers around 3 degrees, while the minimum temperature plunges to a chilly minus 9 degrees.

The sudden and persistent snowfall has not only transformed Kedarnath into a winter wonderland but has also impacted ongoing construction work, particularly projects involving cement. The region was veiled in heavy clouds on a Saturday morning, and around 12:30 PM, the gentle descent of snowflakes began, lasting for a continuous two hours.

Approximately four inches of fresh snow has graced the shrine, following a substantial snowfall the previous Friday. Devotees and officials are grappling with discomfort due to the inclement weather, witnessing a gradual drop in temperature over the past few days.


Simultaneously, Badrinath also experienced significant snowfall on a Saturday morning, creating a magical ambiance around the sacred shrine. The weather in and around the shrine underwent constant changes throughout the day, with devotees braving the cold to catch a glimpse of the deity. Light rain commenced around 5 PM on Saturday morning, eventually transforming into a mesmerizing snowfall that persisted until around 8 AM, enveloping the entire shrine in a breathtaking white panorama.

The peaks surrounding the shrine now stand adorned with a thick layer of snow, enhancing the scenic beauty of the region. Although the weather cleared up slightly around 10 AM, the lingering impact of the snowfall continues to infuse the shrine with a serene and wintry charm. By the afternoon, most of the snow within the shrine had melted, yet the mountains retained their snowy allure, leaving Kedarnath in the embrace of a captivating winter landscape.