Bird Watching in & Around Rishikesh

India is one such place where birds are found in abundance. There are around 1250 different species of birds which accounts for 13% of the total population of birds in the world. However, out of 1250 species, Rishikesh alone has 400 different species of birds. Simply put, Rishikesh is home for around 4% of the total population birds in the world, making it a heaven for bird watchers from all around the world. There are no two ways about Rishikesh being the salvation for birdwatchers and some of the most beautiful species of birds can be seen here including Peacock, Great Hornbills, Parrots and what not. When you are in Rishikesh lookout for the Neelkanth Valley as this is an ideal place for bird watching. It’s just 4 kilometres from Laxman Jhula and the flowing river provides a perfect habitat for the various species of birds. Being on the banks of river this place is ideal for birds that feed on fishes hence you get to observe various species of Kingfishers. Besides, there are also Peacocks, Himalayan bulbuls, ducks and many others. Birds which are plentiful in Rishikesh

  • Long-Tailed Minivet.
  • Black-Lored Tit.
  • Himalayan Bulbul.
  • Hume’s Warbler.
  • Indian Peacock.
  • Yellow-Billed Chough.
  • Ashy Dorongo.
  • Grey-Winged Blackbird and many others.
If you are feeling up to bird watching in Rishikesh then do place a call at 09810616140.