places to visit in chakrata

Places To Visit In Chakrata – Something you must not miss!

Chakrata is a beautiful Hill station in Uttarakhand. It is an Army Cantonment region in Dehradun district at 2,118 meters above sea level. People and travelers come to this place to spend some leisure time and relax in the mountains. The coniferous forests surrounding the area makes it gorgeous and the silent beauty of nature will calm your soul. This is an ideal place for adventure enthusiasts, nature lovers, and wildlife enthusiasts.Blue skies, dense green forests, snow-capped mountains, fresh air, untouched nature, beautiful morning are some of the things people do not find and cities so they head towards mountains to relax among these. Here are a few places to visit in Chakrata, that will ensure the same feeling.

Waking up with the sound of birds chirping instead of alarm sound will make your morning even more beautiful. Chakrata is a delight for loners and for people who want to spend some night in the undisturbed surrounding, away from the hustle bustle of the city life.Living and relaxing at a place that is uninhibited by commercialization brings lots of traveler to this place.

Best Places to Visit in Chakrata

You can reach Chakrata from Dehradun. There are two roads which will take you to the destination. One is via Vikasnagar and another is via Mussorie. The distance between Vikasnagar and Chakrata is 88 km and it will take around 2 hours 30 minutes to reach. While if you take Mussorie road, it will cover a total distance of 114 km and it will be covered in around 4 hours.

The fascinating view of mountains, morning sunlight, birds chirping, and stunning waterfall are simply amazing. There are many famous spots which you can head towards if you are in Chakrata. Here the 10 famous places to visit in Chakrata.

1. Tiger Falls

Tiger falls is an amazing waterfall located in the middle of the hilly terrain of Chakrata. Away from the hustle of commercialization, this place is a major tourist attraction and famous for picnics. The waterfall converges into a small pong where you can plunge to take a natural shower. With the height of 312 feet above the sea level, this waterfall comes under the highest waterfalls of Uttarakhand. The sound of chanting waterfalls combined with the chirping of birds is unforgettable.

Chakrata to the Tiger falls trek: Walking in the woods with views of lush green forests, rhododendron trees, and oak trees is something that adventure lover seek for. So, for them there is a 5 km trek from Chakrata to the Tiger falls trek where you can see the serene beauty in your trek. It is one of those places to visit in Chakrata, that you must not miss.

This area is free for entry and generally, you will need around one hour to explore the whole area.

Location: Kanasar Range, Chakrata

2. Koti-Kanasar

Koti-Kanasar is an attractive location, ideal for a honeymoon or a picnic. This place is perfect for an excursion as people love spending time here. This place is surrounded by greenery; the dense green forest which attracts travelers and tourists. Kanasar has very less population, you will find only a few houses in the village. Kanasar is well known for maintaining and protecting old deodar trees and its forests. Here you will find Asia’s biggest Deodar tree which has a circumference of 6.35 meters; which you must try to see on your visit to Koti-Kanasar.

You can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach this place from Chakrata. You can explore the whole area in 2 hours.

Location: Kanasar range (24 km from the main market of Chakrata).

3. Kalsi

Kalsi is a small town located on the banks of the Yamuna River. This place is located near Dakpatthar which is in between Chakrata and Dehradun. This place is known for its heritage importance. Here you will find the inscription of Ashoka as rock edict. This is the only Ashoka’s Rock edict in the Northen India, that’s why this place has even more importance. Kalsi has a spotless green beauty and Yamuna River with her tributaries enhances the beauty of this place. You can also take permission to enjoy fishing near Kalsi.

You can hire a taxi or take a bus from Chakrata or Dehradun.This place has free entry and in 2 hours you can explore the area.

Location: Between Chakrata and Dehradun (44 km from Dehradun).

4. Chilmiri Neck

In Chakrata, Chilmiri Neck is the highest peak. This place is surrounded fully by the lush green deodar forests. You can enjoy the beautiful view of Himalayan ranges from Chilmiri Neck. You will some the beautiful species of the birds and butterfly in this area. Some of the most famous mountain peaks like Bandarpoonch, Rohini and Swarg Peaks can easily be seen from this place. Residential quarters and mess of military contentment are situated here.

This place is located at a very short distance from Chilmiri Neck so, you can choose to trek or you can hire a taxi. You can explore the whole area in 1 hour.

Location: Near Chakrata market.

5. Deoban

The place ‘Deoban’ (Devban) comes from “Deo” which means Deodar trees and “Ban” which means forest. This place is a tourist delight as it is a picturesque spot near Chakrata. This place is known as Gods Own Forest. The peaceful environment of this place makes it a popular spot for camping. People visit this place to enjoy the calmness of the surrounding. This place is located at a height of 2200 meters- 3025 meters above sea level. Vyas Shikhar is the highest peak of the Deoban from where you can see the majestic view of the Himalayas.


If you will visit this place just after winter, you will see the shinning frozen lakes. On the top, you will find a PWD tree house, which is accessible only after permission.

You can reach this place only by hiring a taxi if you do not have a private vehicle. You can explore the whole area in around 3-4 hours.

Location: Kanasar Range (13km from main Chakrata road)

6. Budher Caves

Budher caves are a very popular place to visit in Chakrata. The caves are also known as Budher Gopha, have some historical significances. People also refer to this cave as Miola Caves because this cave was founded by a German person named Miola. It is believed that when Pandavas got the banishment from the kingdom they dug the 150 km long cave for their survival. Budher caves are still not explored due to unknown and difficult track to the caves. But from the height of 2590 meters above sea level, you can view the scenic beauty of the Himalayan range.

You can hire a taxi from Chakrata to FHR Budher. You will have to trek from FHR Budher; a 3km trek. And it will take around 2 hours to reach there.

Location: Bagani (30 km from Chakrata).

7. Ram Tal Horticulture Garden

Ram Tal Horticulture Garden is a small horticulture garden located near a pond. Surrounded by the luxuriant green forest, this place is one of the popular tourist places in Chakrata. Ram Tal is popular among birdwatchers as you will find beautiful species of birds like Grey Treepie, Oriental turtle dove and Black-headed Jay. You will find several Apple, Rhododendron and Pulam trees in the Garden.

Hire a taxi from Chakrata and you can easily reach this place. You can explore the area in 1 hour.

Location: Nagaou, near Chakrata (Chakrata-Mussurie road)

8. Hanol – Mahasu Devta Temple

Hanol is a beautiful village of Charkata located on the banks of Tons river. This place is surrounded by beautiful green hills which makes it a popular destination for travelers. More than the scenic beauty, the Mahasu Devta Temple attracts the tourist to Hanol. Devotees from all over the world visit this temple and ask for blessings. This temple has a historical background according to Hindu mythology. People worship Lord Shiva as Mahasu Devta. Every year in the month of August, Mahasu Devta fair is held. To celebrate and enjoy this fair devotee from all over India visit this place. This fair lasts for three days.

Hanol Village is located at 95 km from Chakrata so one can reach Hanol by bus or by hiring a taxi.

Location: Chakrata (Hanol village).

9. Mundali

Mundali is a famous tourist place in Chakrata. Tourist is attracted to this place because of the majestic views of Himalayas. Adventure lover visit this place to do Skiing in winters. Located at an altitude of 2776 meters above the sea level, this place is surrounded by beautiful green forests. Many professional skiers visit this place every year. Mundali also has skiing school which offers skiing lessons to the people who want to learn skiing. Lessons are given from beginner level to intermediate level. If you want to stay in Mundali and experience the beauty of this place, you can go camping.

You will have to take jeep which will drive you through the unmelted roads to Dharagrah. From Dharagrah, there is a small trek of 2.5 km to reach Mundali.

Location: Near Dharagrah Village (36 km from Chakrata).

10. Moigad Fall

Moigad Fall is a perfect picnic spot and a great place for relaxing your day in the arms of nature with beautiful surroundings. This place is located on the Delhi – Yamunotri road. You can take a natural shower in the waterfall. Best time to enjoy in the Moigad fall is summer. As in winter, you will not be able to enjoy the bath under the waterfall because of extremely cold water and monsoon is not considered good because of road conditions. Carry some eatable with you as there you will find not many options for food.

You can hire a taxi or take a bus from Dehradun or Chakrata.

Location: Near Chakrata (on Delhi- Yamunotri road).

Some Tips and Tricks for these places to visit in Chakrata

  • Chakrata is a military cantonment area so foreign need to take permits from Commandant 22 Force c/o 56 APO, if they want to visit Chakrata.
  • There is no petrol pump in Chakrata, this is strange but true. The nearest Gas station is 50 km away.
  • Avoid visiting this place in monsoon.
  • There are no restaurants in Chakrata so you need to rely on your hotel where you are staying, for food.
  • Carry some food items and water with yourself if you plan to step out.