cloudburst at chakrata

Report of Cloudburst at Chakrata of Dehradun

May 20, 2021 – BREAKING NEWS: Another Cloudburst in Chamoli.

After Kainchi Dham reports of Cloudburst are coming from Chakrata of Dehradun. Four people are still missing. The incident took place at Bijnad Chhani near Bijnu of Chakrata tehsil. A house has also been reported to be washed away at Kolha village.

Three people, including father and daughter, were killed whereas 4 others have been seriously injured. A large number of dairy animals also died in cloudburst.

“The body of one person has been retrieved, while the search for the missing persons is underway in Birnad following the cloudburst in the area,” the State Disaster Response Force said.

The place of cloudburst is said to be 2km away from the main road.

The Meteorological Department, Already issued a red alert in the entire state yesterday. Since last night the state is experiencing heavy rainfall. Many roads are already blocked due to landslides.

Continues heavy rain and snowfall are being reported in high mountain areas including Badrinath and Kedarnath due to which the water level of the Alaknanda river has risen.


Within a span of 30 days, the state has already witnessed multiple accidents of cloud burst Including, Rudraprayag, Tehri Garhwal, UttarkashiChamoliDevprayag, and Kainchi Dham.

Photographs of Destruction after cloudburst at Chakrata

Cloud Burst at Chakrata, Dehradun

Pictures of heavy destruction caused due to cloudburst in Bijnad Chhani near Bijnu of Chakrata tehsil.

Many houses collapsed due to cloudburst

Collapsed House after Cloud Burst at Chakrata

Many houses have been destroyed, many people have been swept away, many cattle have gone missing.

Many People are missing after cloudburst at chakrata

Currently 4 people are reported missing. The police and SDRF team have rushed to the spot.

In a recent event of cloudburst in the Quasi area of ​​Jaunsar Babar, three people are reported missing and some animals are also reported to have been swept away.

Congress state president reached Bijnad

Congress state president reached Bijnad

Congress state president and Chakrata MLA, Pritam Singh reached Ground Zero. He visited the disaster area Bijnad Chhani. He assured the people of all possible help.